# Translation of Themes - Twenty Twenty-One in Polish
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Themes - Twenty Twenty-One package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-03-29 20:41:48+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n == 1) ? 0 : ((n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14)) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/4.0.0-alpha.9\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Themes - Twenty Twenty-One\n"
#. Theme Name of the theme
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:381 inc/block-patterns.php:24
#, gp-priority: high
msgid "Twenty Twenty-One"
msgstr "Twenty Twenty-One"
#. Description of the theme
#, gp-priority: high
msgid "Twenty Twenty-One is a blank canvas for your ideas and it makes the block editor your best brush. With new block patterns, which allow you to create a beautiful layout in a matter of seconds, this theme’s soft colors and eye-catching — yet timeless — design will let your work shine. Take it for a spin! See how Twenty Twenty-One elevates your portfolio, business website, or personal blog."
msgstr "Twenty Twenty-One jest pustym płótnem dla twoich pomysłów i sprawia, że edytor bloków jest najlepszym pędzlem. Dzięki nowym wzorom blokowym, które pozwalają stworzyć piękny układ w ciągu kilku sekund, delikatne kolory tego motywu i przyciągający wzrok - a jednocześnie ponadczasowy - design pozwolą twojej pracy zabłysnąć. Weź to pod rozwagę! Zobacz, jak Twenty Twenty-One ulepsza portfolio, witrynę biznesową lub blog."
#: inc/template-tags.php:241
msgid "Older posts"
msgstr "Starsze wpisy"
#: inc/template-tags.php:230
msgid "Newer posts"
msgstr "Nowsze wpisy"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize-notice-control.php:40
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:178
msgid "https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/twenty-twenty-one/#dark-mode-support"
msgstr "https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/twenty-twenty-one/#dark-mode-support"
#. translators: %s: Twenty Twenty-One support article URL.
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:177
msgid "Dark Mode is a device setting. If a visitor to your site requests it, your site will be shown with a dark background and light text. Learn more about Dark Mode."
msgstr "Tryb ciemny to ustawienie urządzenia. Jeśli użytkownik witryny o to poprosi, zostanie ona wyświetlona z ciemnym tłem i jasnym tekstem. Dowiedz się więcej o ciemnym trybie."
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:181
msgid "Dark Mode can also be turned on and off with a button that you can find in the bottom corner of the page."
msgstr "Ciemny tryb można włączać i wyłączać za pomocą przycisku znajdującego się w dolnym rogu strony."
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:379
msgid "Suggested text:"
msgstr "Sugerowany tekst:"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:134
msgid "Colors & Dark Mode"
msgstr "Kolory i ciemny tryb"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:188
msgid "Dark Mode support"
msgstr "Wsparcie trybu ciemnego"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize-notice-control.php:41
msgid "Learn more about Dark Mode."
msgstr "Dowiedz się więcej o ciemnym trybie."
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:378
msgid "Twenty Twenty-One uses LocalStorage when Dark Mode support is enabled."
msgstr "W trybie ciemnym Twenty Twenty-One używa LocalStorage."
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize-notice-control.php:39
msgid "To access the Dark Mode settings, select a light background color."
msgstr "W celu dostępu do ciemnego trybu proszę wybrać jasny kolor tła."
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:380
msgid "This website uses LocalStorage to save the setting when Dark Mode support is turned on or off.
LocalStorage is necessary for the setting to work and is only used when a user clicks on the Dark Mode button.
No data is saved in the database or transferred."
msgstr "Aby zapisać status trybu ciemnego, witryna korzysta z LocalStorage.
LocalStorage jest niezbędne do działania i jest używane tylko wtedy, gdy użytkownik kliknie przycisk Tryb ciemny.
Żadne dane nie są przesyłane, ani zapisywane w bazie danych."
#: inc/template-tags.php:77
msgctxt "Label for sticky posts"
msgid "Featured post"
msgstr "Wyróżniony wpis"
#: inc/template-functions.php:424
msgctxt "Post password form"
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Wyślij"
#: inc/template-functions.php:424
msgctxt "Post password form"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Hasło"
#: inc/template-functions.php:183
msgctxt "Added to posts and pages that are missing titles"
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Nienazwane"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize.php:138
msgctxt "Customizer control"
msgid "Background color"
msgstr "Kolor tła"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:136
msgctxt "Block pattern sample content"
msgid "Cambridge, MA, 02139"
msgstr "Cambridge, MA, 02139"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:136
msgctxt "Block pattern sample content"
msgid "123 Main Street"
msgstr "ul. Marszałkowska 1"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:136
msgctxt "Block pattern sample content"
msgid "123-456-7890"
msgstr "+123 456 78 90"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:136
msgctxt "Block pattern sample content"
msgid "example@example.com"
msgstr "example@example.com"
#. translators: %: Page number.
#: image.php:48 template-parts/content/content-page.php:36
#: template-parts/content/content-single.php:30
#: template-parts/content/content.php:36
msgid "Page %"
msgstr "Strona %"
#: comments.php:85
msgid "Leave a comment"
msgstr "Dodaj komentarz"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:334
msgid "On"
msgstr "Włącz"
#: functions.php:187
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "XXXL"
msgstr "XXXL"
#: functions.php:181
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "XXL"
msgstr "XXL"
#: functions.php:175
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "XL"
msgstr "XL"
#: functions.php:169
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"
#: functions.php:163
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "M"
msgstr "M"
#: functions.php:157
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"
#: functions.php:151
msgctxt "Font size"
msgid "XS"
msgstr "XS"
#. translators: %s: WordPress Version.
#: inc/back-compat.php:42 inc/back-compat.php:61 inc/back-compat.php:86
msgid "This theme requires WordPress 5.3 or newer. You are running version %s. Please upgrade."
msgstr "Motyw wymaga WordPress w wersji 5.3 lub wyższej. Używasz wersji %s. Proszę zaktualizować."
#. translators: %s: Comment count number.
#: comments.php:39
msgctxt "Comments title"
msgid "%s comment"
msgid_plural "%s comments"
msgstr[0] "%s komentarz"
msgstr[1] "%s komentarze"
msgstr[2] "%s komentarzy"
#. translators: %s: On/Off
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:321
msgid "Dark Mode: %s"
msgstr "Tryb ciemny: %s"
#: comments.php:34
msgid "1 comment"
msgstr "Jeden komentarz"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-dark-mode.php:331
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Wyłączono"
#: inc/template-functions.php:422
msgid "This content is password protected. Please enter a password to view."
msgstr "Treść jest chroniona hasłem. Proszę je wprowadzić żeby ją wyświetlić."
#. translators: Hidden accessibility text.
#: inc/menu-functions.php:35
msgid "Open menu"
msgstr "Rozwiń menu"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "“Reading” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Czytanie” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:101
msgid "“Self portrait” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Autoportret” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:101
msgid "“Daffodils” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Żonkile” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:89 inc/block-patterns.php:125
#: inc/starter-content.php:43
msgid "“Roses Trémières” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Malwy” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "Reading"
msgstr "Czytanie"
#: inc/template-functions.php:424
msgctxt "Post password form"
msgid "Enter"
msgstr "Wprowadź"
#: inc/starter-content.php:128
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Check out the Support Forums"
msgstr "Sprawdź forum wsparcia"
#: inc/starter-content.php:122
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Read the Theme Documentation"
msgstr "Przeczytaj dokumentację motywu"
#: inc/starter-content.php:112
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Need help?"
msgstr "Potrzebujesz pomocy?"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "Young Woman in Mauve"
msgstr "Młoda kobieta w fiołkach"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "The Garden at Bougival"
msgstr "Ogród przy Bougival"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "In the Bois de Boulogne"
msgstr "W Lasku Bolońskim"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "Villa with Orange Trees, Nice"
msgstr "Willa wśród pomarańczy, Nicea"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "Roses Trémières"
msgstr "Malwy"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:114
msgid "“Villa with Orange Trees, Nice” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Willa wśród pomarańczy, Nicea” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:114
msgid "Beautiful gardens painted by Berthe Morisot in the late 1800s"
msgstr "Piękne ogrody namalowane przez Berthe Morisot w późnych latach XIXw."
#: inc/starter-content.php:73
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Add block patterns"
msgstr "Dodaj wzorzec bloków"
#: inc/starter-content.php:30 inc/starter-content.php:33
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Create your website with blocks"
msgstr "Twórz swoją witrynę za pomocą bloków"
#: inc/starter-content.php:97
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Twenty Twenty-One also includes an overlap style for column blocks. With a Columns block selected, open the \"Styles\" panel within the Editor sidebar. Choose the \"Overlap\" block style to try it out."
msgstr "Twenty Twenty-One zawiera również styl nakładania się na bloków kolumn. Po zaznaczeniu bloku Kolumny otwórz panel „Style” na pasku bocznym Edytora. Wybierz styl bloku „Nakładanie”, aby wypróbować."
#: inc/starter-content.php:93
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Overlap columns"
msgstr "Nakładające się kolumny"
#: inc/starter-content.php:83
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Frame your images"
msgstr "Dodaj ramkę do obrazków"
#: inc/starter-content.php:87
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Twenty Twenty-One includes stylish borders for your content. With an Image block selected, open the \"Styles\" panel within the Editor sidebar. Select the \"Frame\" block style to activate it."
msgstr "Twenty Twenty-One zawiera stylowe obramowanie treści. W bloku obrazka otwórz panel „Style” z paska bocznego edytora. Wybierz styl bloku „Ramka”, aby aktywować."
#: inc/starter-content.php:77
msgctxt "Theme starter content"
msgid "Block patterns are pre-designed groups of blocks. To add one, select the Add Block button [+] in the toolbar at the top of the editor. Switch to the Patterns tab underneath the search bar, and choose a pattern."
msgstr "Wzory bloków to wstępnie zaprojektowane grupy bloków. Aby dodać, wybierz przycisk dodaj blok [+] na pasku narzędzi u góry edytora. Przejdź do karty Wzory pod paskiem wyszukiwania i wybierz."
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize.php:85
msgid "Excerpt Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia zajawki"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:76
msgid "Berthe Morisot
(French, 1841-1895)"
msgstr "Berthe Morisot
(Francuz, 1841-1895)"
#. translators: %s: Parent post.
#: image.php:61
msgid "Published in %s"
msgstr "Opublikowano w %s"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:76
msgid "Playing in the Sand"
msgstr "Zabawa w piasku"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:114 inc/block-patterns.php:125
msgid "“The Garden at Bougival” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Ogród przy Bougival” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:89 inc/block-patterns.php:125
#: inc/starter-content.php:61
msgid "“Young Woman in Mauve” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Młoda kobieta w fiołkach” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:89 inc/block-patterns.php:125
#: inc/starter-content.php:51
msgid "“In the Bois de Boulogne” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“W Lasku Bolońskim” - Berthe Morisot"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:76
msgid "“Playing in the Sand” by Berthe Morisot"
msgstr "“Bawiąc się w piasku” - Berthe Morisot"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize.php:108
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Podsumowanie"
#: inc/block-styles.php:98
msgid "Thick"
msgstr "Gruby"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize.php:106
msgid "On Archive Pages, posts show:"
msgstr "Na stronach archiwów, pokazuj wpisy:"
#: functions.php:223 inc/block-styles.php:107
msgid "Dark gray"
msgstr "Ciemnoszary"
#: single.php:40
msgid "Previous post"
msgstr "Poprzedni wpis"
#: single.php:39
msgid "Next post"
msgstr "Następny wpis"
#. translators: %s: Parent post link.
#: single.php:25
msgid "Published in%s"
msgstr "Opublikowano w%s"
#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#: inc/template-functions.php:138
msgid "Continue reading %s"
msgstr "Czytaj dalej %s"
#: comments.php:70
msgid "Newer comments"
msgstr "Nowsze komentarze"
#: comments.php:66
msgid "Older comments"
msgstr "Starsze komentarze"
#: template-parts/header/site-nav.php:16
msgid "Menu"
msgstr "Menu"
#: searchform.php:26
msgctxt "submit button"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Szukaj"
#: functions.php:228
msgid "Gray"
msgstr "Szary"
#. translators: Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
#: functions.php:654
msgid ", "
msgstr ", "
#: functions.php:258
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Żółty"
#: functions.php:263
msgid "White"
msgstr "Biały"
#: functions.php:248
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Czerwony"
#: functions.php:243
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "Fioletowy"
#: functions.php:253
msgid "Orange"
msgstr "Pomarańczowy"
#: functions.php:233
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Zielony"
#: functions.php:238
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Niebieski"
#: functions.php:218
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Czarny"
#: template-parts/header/site-nav.php:19
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Zamknij"
#. translators: Hidden accessibility text.
#: image.php:84
msgctxt "Used before full size attachment link."
msgid "Full size"
msgstr "Pełny rozmiar"
#: functions.php:361
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Stopka"
#. translators: %s: Author name.
#: inc/template-tags.php:49 template-parts/post/author-bio.php:19
msgid "By %s"
msgstr "Autor: %s"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize.php:109
msgid "Full text"
msgstr "całą treść"
#: functions.php:162
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normalny"
#: comments.php:78
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "Możliwość komentowania jest wyłączona."
#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#: image.php:70 image.php:96 inc/template-tags.php:92 inc/template-tags.php:133
#: template-parts/content/content-page.php:48
msgid "Edit %s"
msgstr "Edytuj %s"
#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:61
msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help."
msgstr "Nie udało się znaleźć tego, czego szukasz. Być może wyszukiwanie przyniesie lepsze rezultaty."
#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:56
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "Brak wyników wyszukiwania. Proszę spróbować ponownie z innymi słowami."
#. translators: %s: List of tags.
#: inc/template-tags.php:116 inc/template-tags.php:158
msgid "Tagged %s"
msgstr "Tagi %s"
#: functions.php:156
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Mały"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:64
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr "Twitter"
#: searchform.php:24
msgid "Search…"
msgstr "Szukaj…"
#. translators: %s: WordPress.
#: footer.php:67
msgid "Proudly powered by %s."
msgstr "Dumnie wspierane przez %s."
#: functions.php:186
msgid "Gigantic"
msgstr "Gigantyczny"
#: functions.php:174
msgid "Extra large"
msgstr "Bardzo duży"
#: functions.php:150
msgid "Extra small"
msgstr "Bardzo mały"
#: classes/class-twenty-twenty-one-customize.php:75
msgid "Display Site Title & Tagline"
msgstr "Wyświetl tytuł i opis witryny"
#: 404.php:16 template-parts/content/content-none.php:30
msgid "Nothing here"
msgstr "Niczego tutaj nie ma"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:64
msgid "example@example.com"
msgstr "example@example.com"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:64
msgid "Dribbble"
msgstr "Dribbble"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:64
msgid "Instagram"
msgstr "Instagram"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:64
msgid "Let’s Connect."
msgstr "Połączmy"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:59
msgid "Links area"
msgstr "Obszar odnośników"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:47
msgid "Large text"
msgstr "Duży tekst"
#. translators: %s: Publish date.
#: inc/template-tags.php:29
msgid "Published %s"
msgstr "Opublikowano %s"
#: functions.php:76 inc/starter-content.php:154
#: template-parts/header/site-nav.php:13
msgid "Primary menu"
msgstr "Menu główne"
#: functions.php:309
msgid "Red to purple"
msgstr "Czerwony do fioletowego"
#: functions.php:304
msgid "Purple to red"
msgstr "Fioletowy do czerwonego"
#: functions.php:299
msgid "Yellow to red"
msgstr "Żółty do czerwonego"
#: functions.php:294
msgid "Red to yellow"
msgstr "Czerwony do żółtego"
#: functions.php:289
msgid "Yellow to green"
msgstr "Żółty do zielonego"
#: functions.php:284
msgid "Green to yellow"
msgstr "Zielony do żółtego"
#: functions.php:279
msgid "Yellow to purple"
msgstr "Żółty do fioletowego"
#: functions.php:274
msgid "Purple to yellow"
msgstr "Fioletowy do żółtego"
#. translators: %d: The number of search results.
#: search.php:33
msgid "We found %d result for your search."
msgid_plural "We found %d results for your search."
msgstr[0] "Znaleziono %d wynik wyszukiwania."
msgstr[1] "Znaleziono %d wyniki wyszukiwania."
msgstr[2] "Znaleziono %d wyników wyszukiwania."
#. translators: %s: Search term.
#: search.php:21 template-parts/content/content-none.php:22
msgid "Results for \"%s\""
msgstr "Wyniki dla \"%s\""
#. translators: %s: List of categories.
#: inc/template-tags.php:107 inc/template-tags.php:149
msgid "Categorized as %s"
msgstr "Umieszczono w kategoriach: %s"
#: inc/block-styles.php:71
msgid "Dividers"
msgstr "Dzielniki"
#: inc/block-styles.php:62
msgid "Frame"
msgstr "Ramka"
#: inc/block-styles.php:35 inc/block-styles.php:44 inc/block-styles.php:53
#: inc/block-styles.php:80 inc/block-styles.php:89
msgid "Borders"
msgstr "Obramowania"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:122
msgid "Portfolio list"
msgstr "Lista portfolio"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:97
msgid "Two images showcase"
msgstr "Prezentacja dwóch obrazków"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:88
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "Three images inside an overlapping columns block."
msgstr "Trzy obrazki wewnątrz nakładającego się bloku kolumn."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:84
msgid "Overlapping images"
msgstr "Nakładające się obrazki"
#: inc/block-styles.php:26
msgid "Overlap"
msgstr "Nakładanie się"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:124
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "A list of projects with thumbnail images."
msgstr "Lista projektów z miniaturkami."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:135
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "A block with 3 columns that display contact information and social media links."
msgstr "Blok z 3 kolumnami zawiera dane kontaktowe oraz odnośniki do mediów społecznościowych."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:113
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "An overlapping columns block with two images and a text description."
msgstr "Nakładający się blok kolumn z dwoma obrazkami i opisem tekstowym."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:109
msgid "Overlapping images and text"
msgstr "Nakładające się obrazki i tekst"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:100
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "A media & text block with a big image on the left and a smaller one with bordered frame on the right."
msgstr "Blok multimediów i tekstu z dużym obrazkiem po lewej i mniejszym z obramowaniem po prawej."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:75
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "A Media & Text block with a big image on the left and a heading on the right. The heading is followed by a separator and a description paragraph."
msgstr "Blok multimediów i tekstu z dużym obrazkiem po lewej i nagłówkiem po prawej. Po nagłówku: separator i akapit opisu."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:72
msgid "Media and text article title"
msgstr "Multimedia i tytuł artykułu"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:63
msgctxt "Block pattern description"
msgid "A huge text followed by social networks and email address links."
msgstr "Ogromny tekst, a po nim sieci społecznościowe i adresy email."
#: inc/block-patterns.php:51
msgid "A new portfolio default theme for WordPress"
msgstr "Nowy domyślny motyw portfolio dla WordPressa"
#. translators: %s: Author name.
#: template-parts/post/author-bio.php:31
msgid "View all of %s's posts."
msgstr "Zobacz wszystkie wpisy autorstwa: %s."
#: functions.php:363
msgid "Add widgets here to appear in your footer."
msgstr "Tutaj dodaj widżety, które zostaną wyświetlone w stopce."
#: comments.php:61 image.php:45 inc/template-tags.php:224
#: template-parts/content/content-page.php:33
#: template-parts/content/content-single.php:27
#: template-parts/content/content.php:33
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Strona"
#: functions.php:168
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Duże"
#: 404.php:21
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?"
msgstr "Niczego tutaj nie ma. Może użyj wyszukiwarki?"
#. translators: %s: Link to WP admin new post page.
#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:43
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here."
msgstr "Czy można już opublikować pierwszy wpis? Zacznij tutaj."
#: functions.php:180
msgid "Huge"
msgstr "Olbrzymi"
#. translators: Hidden accessibility text.
#: header.php:29
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "Przejdź do treści"
#: footer.php:24 functions.php:77 inc/starter-content.php:165
msgid "Secondary menu"
msgstr "Drugie menu"
#: inc/block-patterns.php:132
msgid "Contact information"
msgstr "Dane kontaktowe"
#. Author URI of the theme
#: footer.php:68
#, gp-priority: low
msgid "https://wordpress.org/"
msgstr "https://pl.wordpress.org/"
#. Author of the theme
#, gp-priority: low
msgid "the WordPress team"
msgstr "zespół WordPressa"
#. Theme URI of the theme
#, gp-priority: low
msgid "https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentyone/"
msgstr "https://pl.wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentyone/"