07.04.2016 - ver 1.1.11 - Compatibility with WP 4.5 added 09.02.2016 - ver 1.1.10 - Enhancement for theme authors (Added $plugin param in plugins_url() call) 12.01.2016 - ver 1.1.9 - Fixed: Shortcodes created in Template and used as Template Elements 23.12.2015 - ver 1.1.8 - Improvements with VC 4.9 functionality 7.12.2015 - ver 1.1.7 - Compatibility with Visual Composer 4.9 added 20.10.2015 - ver 1.1.6 - Added support for new Role manager 2.10.2015 - ver 1.1.5 - Added extra ajax check 29.09.2015 - ver 1.1.4 - Template saving mechanism optimized 24.08.2015 - ver 1.1.3 - Bugs and compatibility with VC 4.7 - Added: Single Template Export - export only those templates you wish 27.04.2015 - ver 1.1.2 - Bugs and compatibility with VC 4.5 04.03.2015 - ver 1.1.1 - Fixed. Template access rules for post types 16.01.2015 - ver 1.1 - Support for VC 4.4 added 28.07.2014 - ver. 1.0.5 - Added support for VC 4.3 11.03.2014 - ver 1.0.4 - bug fixes 05.03.2014 - ver 1.0.3 - Adopted for Visual Composer 4.x - CSS Themes removed 12.09.2013 - ver 1.0.2 - XML Import: String "Imported" removed 05.08.2013 - ver 1.0.1 - Update for WP 3.6